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Jurnal Sultra Anak Bangsa

This journal is a peer-reviewed, professional scientific journal. It is an online journal in the field of early years education. Jurnal Anak Bangsa focuses on theorical issues and pedagogical practices in early years education, published twice a year (March and November).

The Journal welcomes submissions on all aspects of early years education in the form of articles that report original research, analyse practice, discuss local and national policy and initiatives, offer a comparative perspective on research and policy and report on major research projects.

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Jurnal Sultra Elementary School

Journal Identity

Journal      : Jurnal Sultra Elementary School

Initials       : JSES

Frequency : 4 issues per year (Feb, May, Aug, and Nov)

Publisher   : Prodi PGSD Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

E-ISSN       : 2716-036X

JSES is a scientific journal managed by the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program. This journal focuses on publishing educational research results based on scientific research and literature studies with the field of educational science focusing on curriculum, teaching methodology, learning activities, teaching media, learning approaches, learning outcomes, character education, and evaluation in elementary education. The articles published come from professionals, academics, researchers, and scholars from all over the world.




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