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Prosiding Semnas Pendidikan Dasar

Tema KegiatanInovasi Pembelajaran dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Waktu dan Tempat

Hari       : Kamis

Tanggal :  20 September 2020

Tempat  : Zoom Virtual Meeting

Pembicara 1Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Andi Bahrun, M.Sc. Agric (Rektor Unsultra)
Pembicara 2H. Saemina, S.Pd.,M.Pd (Kepala Dinas Pendidikan dan Kepemudaan dan Olahraga Kota Kendari)
Pembicara 3Sri Erlita Sari (Penulis Buku)
Pemakalah ParalelDosen-dosen Perguruan Tinggi dan masyarakat umum yang memiliki keterlibatan dalam penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang unggul.

Peserta kegiatan ini terbuka bagi seluruh dosen pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia, praktisi, mahasiswa, dan lembaga atau organisasi masyarakat.

PenyelenggaraJurusan Pendidikan Dasar FKIP Unsultra

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Jurnal Sultra Elementary School

Jurnal Sultra Elementary School with e-ISSN: 2716-036X is a forum which publishes articles related to research-based education. This journal is for professionals, academics, researchers, and scholars whose empirical work focuses on curriculum, teaching methodology, learning activity, teaching media, learning approaches, learning achievement, character education, and evaluation in primary education 

Authors are welcomed to submit their manuscripts for publication. Jurnal Elementary School publishes articles twice a year, every June and December. This journal charges no fees for publication.

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Jurnal Sultra Anak Bangsa

This journal is a peer-reviewed, professional scientific journal. It is an online journal in the field of early years education. Jurnal Anak Bangsa focuses on theorical issues and pedagogical practices in early years education, published twice a year (March and November).

The Journal welcomes submissions on all aspects of early years education in the form of articles that report original research, analyse practice, discuss local and national policy and initiatives, offer a comparative perspective on research and policy and report on major research projects.

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